What is SCode Studio?
Programming on mobile App. SCode Studio is a mobile coding IDE and platform (Compiler for mobile), Where you can run your projects. Now you code anytime, anywhere and on the go.
SCode Studio: Uses a Rich Text Editor supporting syntax highlighting and packed with the necessary tools to offer you all the edge that an IDE or code compiler is supposed to.
Its the fastest code compiler (IDE), coding and programming app available for android so far.
With SCode Studio one can:
Compose a program/code in any of the accessible 50+ Programming Languages. Code and Debug the code, see accumulation results and blunders simultaneously on a similar screen. Partake in the force and simplicity of coding on your number one Code Editor like VScode or Android Studio with assemblage power, makes it identical to an amazing IDE like obscuration.
The main features include:
Active debug view for faster access to Output.
Autocomplete Parenthesis.
Build Android Application Package (APK).
Color picker.
Create React App
Custom Suggestion View.
File Open/Save.
Highlighting.(Code Editor)
Line number, Auto indent
Multiple Language Support.
Rich Text Editor with Syntax
Support Nodejs
Terminal Support
Themes and more customization!
User input for languages like C, C++, Java, PHP, JavaScript, Python and others.
Getting Started
You don't have SCode Studio yet? You can download SCode Studio here.
Create high quality program using SCode Studio.
Guides: Jump right in
Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:
Creating your first projectSupported languageTermuxGood to know: don't forget some of our plugins are still in development so expect some bugs or error with beta plugins you've choose.
Fundamentals: Dive a little deeper
Learn the fundamentals of SCodeStudio to get a deeper understanding of our main features:
Projects managementLast updated